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Captain Amer-Kindra

I LOVE working with Kindra because I always get to play around with something new, and have a blast doing it. I've posted shots of her several times before, and we have never done the same thing twice. I'm always excited when she reaches out to me because I know I'll get the chance to try and improve upon something I might not have had the opportunity to do otherwise.

Kindra is an avid cosplayer, and has put together some incredible looks. She had done a sort of Captain-America-type cosplay before, but has been developing this much more detailed one, and wanted to capture it appropriately. It was actually her suggestion to play around with some colored lights to really emphasize the whole red, white, and blue deal - little did she know that I had been wanting to try out color filters on my lights for forever. We were even able to get these shots finalized and posted on our respective social medias in time for the Fourth of July (very on theme, though I know this blog post is far past the Fourth). She always seems to extend and fulfill my photo-dreams!

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