This was such a rainy day in Santa Cruz, but that didn't get anyone's spirits down!
There were quite a few bands that performed, but I'm including shots of my two favorites below, starting with:
Hail the Sun! This wasn't the first time I've shot these guys; I've posted about the first time I met and photographed them at Spring Bash a year and a half earlier. I even though it hadn't been too long since then, I was so very proud of the progress I've made when I compared those photos to these.
The Fall of Troy was probably one of the toughest bands I've ever shot. Right after their first song, when I got into the swing of the lighting and had my settings just right, the lead singer told the lighting guy in the venue to "turn the lights down," saying that they're not that-kind-of-band.
I think I still managed to get some pretty cool shots (even though I only included a few above), and I left the show very happy!